Hi Isobel,
You may not remember me, you came out to see my chestnut gelding a few years ago (early 2006), who was in a huge amount of pain and who passed over in july after I made the very hard decision that he should go. I still think a lot about him but I think I was lucky enough to have such a relationship with him that I am thankful for that. And I find great comfort in an e-mail you sent to me afterwards, where you said he understood and thanked me.
I then bought a warmblood mare who again had numerous unidentified physical problems (she has a large scar on her neck). I wanted to say sorry and thank you. Sorry because I lost my patience, I couldn't understand why you couldn't help me and maybe now I understand that you are not able to offer a 'quick fix' or in fact sometimes things don't click immediately. A lot of what you said was so spot on, she hates rugs, she is safe but I need to be confident and yes, she maybe the making of me. Physically she does have something in her pelvis, what I am not sure but it may take a while to sort that out. One thing I am sure is that is far more intelligent than people give her credit for! We are getting there but it is hard, no one can argue that and sometimes I want to give up but sometimes she shows me something which makes her special to me. Are we there yet? No not at all but I can now see where you were coming from (almost 18 months later!). I still worry, is she on the right yard, are we doing the right thing, am I the right person for her, but my boyfriend said to me, I should be proud of myself, then and even now a lot of people and friends would get rid of her, I haven't I have stuck with her and as much as it is testing I think she is teaching me a very big lesson!
Anyway I wanted to apologise and I hope you are well! Oh, the website, which I imagine is not so new, is very nice.